Political Potatoes
Political Potatoes
The Chameleon

The Chameleon

Tasha Adams shares the story about her ex-husband Stewart Rhodes, the infamous Oathkeepers founder who helped plot the January 6th insurrection.

In this revealing episode titled "The Chameleon," our "Idaho Inside Out" podcast series turns its focus to Tasha Adams, the ex-wife of Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers. This episode explores not only the personal trauma and resilience of Tasha but also delves into the manipulative tactics of Rhodes, a man who shifted his ideological stances to exploit those around him.

Tasha Adams's story is a harrowing account of love, manipulation, and survival. Initially drawn to Rhodes' charisma, Tasha soon discovered the disturbing depths of his character. As Rhodes’ true nature unfolded, she found herself enmeshed in a life dominated by his increasingly authoritarian and manipulative behavior. This episode unpacks how Rhodes’ chameleon-like ability to adapt his beliefs enabled him to maintain control over Tasha, while also rallying support for the Oath Keepers through the targeting of vulnerable veterans suffering from PTSD.

This podcast scrutinizes Rhodes’ opportunistic behavior, highlighting how he preyed on the loyalty and trauma of veterans to fuel his agenda and fill the organization's coffers. Rhodes had no true north; his only constant was the pursuit of power and influence. His adeptness at changing colors to suit his needs made him a dangerous figure, one capable of immense deception and harm.

Throughout the episode, we explore the psychological and emotional toll this relationship took on Tasha, detailing her courageous journey towards freedom and recovery. Her story is a powerful reminder of the strength needed to break free from the grasp of manipulation and rebuild one's life.

Join us as we explore the dual narrative of manipulation and resilience in "The Chameleon." This episode not only sheds light on the personal impact of Rhodes deceitful actions but also offers insights into the broader implications of his exploitation of trust and ideology. Tasha Adams's experience serves as a poignant testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of deceit and adversity.

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Political Potatoes
Political Potatoes
Political Potatoes Podcast