Political Potatoes
Political Potatoes
The Rule of Lawlessness

The Rule of Lawlessness

How Far-Right Tactics Sacrifice Integrity To Hold The Attorney General's Office By Any Means Necessary

Inside Idaho, Attorney General Raul Labrador's gubernatorial ambitions are an open secret. After losing to Brad Little in 2018, Labrador secured the AG position as a strategic step toward a 2026 gubernatorial bid. Labrador is a darling of the far right, backed by a circle of wealthy donors eager to maintain their grip on the AG's office as Labrador eyes the state’s highest office again. Alongside entities like the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Labrador benefits from a network of astroturf organizations proficient in ruthless political warfare, savaging anyone bold enough to spotlight their true intentions.

This alliance, comprising Labrador, the Idaho Freedom Foundation, and puppet groups like Stop Idaho RINOs, has a sordid track record. Their campaign tactics—targeting families, fabricating stories, and maliciously editing photos—reveal a willingness to breach any norm of decency to clinch power. Regrettably, figures like Labrador, who should champion ethical standards and integrity, capitulate to these benefactors, too engrossed in personal ambitions to challenge their backers' unsavory strategies.

Enter Greg Chaney, a former state legislator initially embraced by conservative circles. A devout Christian and committed conservative, Chaney aligned with the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s agenda until he witnessed its inner workings and recoiled at their excesses. His decision to defy the Foundation on legislation he deemed excessively severe marked the beginning of his ordeal.

The lesson is stark and swiftly delivered: Deviate from absolute loyalty, and face the wrath of personal destruction. Chaney's harrowing experience reached a nadir when his family fell victim to heinous attacks, prompting his daughter to ask, "Why do they want to kill daddy?"

Families, unquestionably, should remain off-limits. Yet, John Heida, a paid agitator managing Stop Idaho RINOs, persists in disseminating vile content that drags Chaney’s family into the mire, distorting personal incidents from Chaney’s past to boost Chris Boyd’s campaign for Canyon County Prosecutor. Labrador’s choice of Boyd as a special prosecutor in a conflict of interest case underscores the intertwining of political favors and campaign strategies.

Boyd’s campaign is bolstered by endorsements from fringe elements, including the so-called "Freedom Bros," former Democrat turned failed superintendent candidate Brandon Durst, and affiliates of the Nick Fuentes-led America First movement, now ingrained within Dorothy Moon’s rebranded Idaho GOP, which promotes a White Christian Nationalist agenda.

In 2022, these factions orchestrated a brutal campaign against Chaney during his state senate bid. Employing paid operatives from out-of-state, they launched a door-to-door smear campaign, assaulting Chaney’s faith and character to propel Chris Trakel into office, ensuring a compliant legislator for their donors’ agendas. Today, they escalate their tactics, creating deceptive websites and manipulated images, underestimating the public’s intelligence and discernment.

They think you are too dumb to discern fact from fiction and will say anything to use your vote to please their donors.

This episode of "Idaho Inside Out" delves deep into the destructive strategies employed by those desperate to prop up candidates who will advance the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s paradoxical anti-liberty agenda. It reveals the high stakes and higher costs of truth in Idaho politics.

The intensity of these attacks not only undermines the democratic process but also casts a long shadow over the future of political discourse in Idaho. The personal toll on candidates like Greg Chaney, who dare to challenge the status quo, extends beyond the campaign trail, affecting their professional lives and personal well-being. Yet, these attempts to silence dissent underscore the importance of standing firm on principles of truth and integrity. As Idaho faces critical decisions about its leadership and direction, the resilience of those like Chaney serves as a beacon for others who may feel disillusioned by the political landscape.

Moreover, the tactics employed by the far right in Idaho reflect a larger national trend in which extreme elements within political parties seek to consolidate power at all costs. Such strategies have profound implications, threatening to erode trust in political institutions and sow division among the electorate. We must work together to remain vigilant and committed to fostering a political environment where truth prevails over deception and integrity overcomes expediency.

As you listen to this "Idaho Inside Out” episode, please reflect on your important role in shaping the political discourse. By supporting candidates who prioritize community interests over personal or party gains and holding their representatives accountable, Idahoans can help ensure that their state remains a place where liberty, truth, and justice are truly revered. Ultimately, the battle may be fierce, but preserving democratic values and ethical governance is a cause worth fighting for.

Disclaimer: The following is intended to convey an opinion on newsworthy events of public concern regarding public figures and/or public officials in the exercise of their official duties. No implications or inferences—beyond those explicitly stated in the preceding—are intended to be conveyed or endorsed by the Author. Wherever available, hyperlinks have been provided to allow readers to directly access any underlying assertions of fact upon which this opinion is based.

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