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Karole Honas & Debbie Reid-Oleson On Volunteering for Proposition1

In the latest episode of the Political Potatoes podcast, I had the privilege of talking with two remarkable women from east Idaho: Karole Honas and Debbie Reid-Oleson. Both longtime residents and active community members Karole and Debbie have been at the forefront of the grassroots movement supporting Proposition 1, the Open Primaries Initiative. Their dedication and personal stories make one thing clear: Idaho voters deserve better.

For those who don’t know, Proposition 1 aims to restore open primaries and bring ranked choice voting to Idaho. In a state where one party dominates most local elections, Karole and Debbie have passionately advocated for giving all voters—Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike—a chance to have their voices heard. They spent months knocking on doors, explaining the initiative to anyone who would listen, and collecting signatures to ensure the Open Primaries Initiative made it to the ballot.

During the interview, Karole shared her experiences as a trusted journalist in eastern Idaho for over 40 years. She spoke about how her fair and balanced reporting background has only reinforced her belief that the current closed primary system is broken. Debbie, a proud University of Idaho graduate, and political junkie echoed those concerns, emphasizing how closed primaries have allowed a tiny minority of voters to dictate the future of Idaho politics.

The passion these two women brought to the conversation was contagious. They’re not just talking about change—they’re making it happen. Their goal is simple: to ensure Idaho voters can once again choose the best candidates, regardless of party affiliation. And let’s face it, folks—giving power back to the people should be something everyone can get behind.

The current system has allowed a select few to control the narrative, push out good candidates, and raise the cost of elections. That’s not democracy. Karole and Debbie, as I do, believe that the Open Primaries Initiative is key to restoring fairness and ensuring that our leaders truly represent the people.

So, if you’re tired of the moral policing, the fear-mongering, and the political gamesmanship that comes with closed primaries, it’s time to listen to voices like Karole and Debbie. They’re fighting for a system where every vote counts and where Idaho’s elections work for all of us—not just the party bosses.

Be sure to listen to the full episode and hear directly from Karole and Debbie about their journey, the importance of Proposition 1, and why it’s a game-changer for Idaho.

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