The Real Democrat Operatives Working to Ruin Idaho
The Idaho Freedom Foundation's tactic of helping Democrats is hurting Republicans across the state.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation’s (IFF) “Freedom Score” may appear to rank Idaho lawmakers by their dedication to conservative values, but in reality, it’s a tool for control fueled by deception. Rather than promoting genuine conservatism, this score rewards absolute loyalty to the IFF’s far-right agenda and punishes respected Republicans who won’t conform. The Freedom Score has become a weapon wielded to manipulate political outcomes and silence dissent, creating a pipeline for extreme candidates who disrupt rather than strengthen Idaho’s Republican base.
Ironically, in their quest for control, the IFF’s strategies often end up aiding Democrats, the very opponents they claim to oppose. By endorsing fringe independents who draw votes away from seasoned Republicans, they weaken the GOP’s position and allow Democrats to make unexpected gains.
How the IFF’s Endorsements Aid Democrats
The Idaho Freedom Foundation’s interference goes beyond simple scoring—it plays out in actual races, where the IFF’s political machine backing of fringe candidates and independents disrupts conservative unity.
Take, for example, the race in Blaine County, where Kala Tate, an independent candidate backed by the IFF, is running against Republican Laurie Lickley. By positioning Tate as a "conservative" alternative, the IFF siphons votes from Lickley, ultimately helping Ron Taylor, the Democrat incumbent, retain the critical Senate seat.
Kala Tate uses the slogan “God’s Government of America,” which is a dog whistle for Christian Nationalists. This extremist ideology limits the rights of anyone not part of their religious sect. The IFF has a long history of working with Christian Nationalists, including Doug Wilson’s Idaho Family Policy Center and Former Washington State Legislator Matt Shea, whose “kill all the males” manifesto made national news. So it makes sense they’d promote someone who would draw just enough support away from Lickley through extreme rhetoric.

In this strategy, the IFF’s need for loyalty to its extreme views ironically paves the way for Democratic victories by fracturing the Republican vote.
Similarly, Gregory Diacogiannis, a far-right candidate running an independent write-in campaign against long-time conservative Republican Judy Boyle, illustrates how IFF’s tactics turn on seasoned Republicans who won’t bow to their demands. Boyle, known for her unwavering support of gun rights, earned the ire of a group called Stop Idaho RINOs after a yard sign for John Shirts—a Republican who unseated IFF-backed Jacyn Gallagher—was spotted in her yard.
This petty retaliation, backed by the IFF, aims to punish established conservatives who risk their seats for ideological purity. By encouraging these independent challenges, the IFF weakens the Idaho Republican Party, allowing Democrats to capitalize on the divided Republican vote.
In Ada County’s hotly contested District 15, the Idaho Freedom Foundation has shown minimal support for Republican incumbent Dori Healey, a protégé of Judy Boyle, and Annette Tipton, a close family friend of former Idaho GOP Chairman Tom Luna. IFF’s newly re-elected party boss, Dorothy Moon, is actively steering clear of these campaigns, offering little to no assistance to these Republican candidates who have not sworn allegiance to the far-right political machine.
The IFF would rather see Steve Birch and Shari Baber win, so they have Democrats to supplement their votes against Republican bills that don’t help their donors.
IFF’s Dangerous New Allies
As traditional conservatives increasingly distance themselves from the Idaho Freedom Foundation, the IFF has turned to fringe groups to shore up its influence. This shift became evident with its endorsement of Doug Trauble for Ada County Sheriff, a candidate aligned with the “constitutional sheriff” movement. This far-right ideology promotes sheriffs as the highest authority, even above federal and state laws.
Trauble’s support comes not from mainstream Republicans but from ultra-right Christian nationalists, with whom the IFF has begun aligning to maintain relevance after apparently losing many of its key donors.
Trauble’s allegiance to Ammon Bundy’s People’s Rights Network, a group infamous for its anti-government extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic, makes him an unusual choice for a county sheriff. Yet, in the eyes of IFF’s political machine, Trauble’s hardline ideology trumps his suitability for office, even if it means undercutting the Republican incumbent, Matt Clifford.
The IFF’s Strategy to Undermine Republicans
The Idaho Freedom Foundation’s willingness to endorse independents and far-right candidates isn’t just about pushing a hardline agenda. It’s a calculated strategy to undermine Idaho’s GOP from within.
Consider the endorsement of Ammon Bundy, the independent candidate for Governor in 2020. When Bundy ran against Brad Little, Idaho’s Republican Governor, IFF’s political arm, led by Dustin Hurst, threw their support behind him. And why? Because Brad Little, the Republican incumbent, worked with Idaho’s largest employers to pass Launch, a popular program that provides tuition assistance to graduating high school students for job training.
IFF went all in for Janice McGeachin against Little, who failed to gain traction after she was exposed for speaking to an antisemitic, pro-Putin “groypers” conference led by Nick Fuentes. When McGeachin flopped, IFF pivoted to Bundy, knowing his independent bid would divert votes from the GOP and potentially help the Democrat running for Governor. The IFF later hired one of Nick Fuentes’ closest allies, Dave Reilly.
This pattern extends beyond the governor’s race. In supporting independents and fringe candidates against Republicans, the IFF isn’t advancing conservatism—it’s hell-bent on scorched Earth tactics. The IFF deliberately fractures the Republican vote by rallying behind independents like Bundy or far-right disruptors like Tate, providing a critical boost to Democrats in tight races. This pattern goes back for years.
The Freedom Foundation’s Desperate Dependence on Democrats
In a strange twist, the IFF needs Democrats to survive. Despite their rallying cries against those who they claim to “chop up and murder babies” (basically anyone left of Ron Paul), the IFF’s agenda relies on Democrats voting with them to block legislation that has broad support among Idahoans. Their so-called “Freedom Score” only works when you add democrat votes on Republican-brought bills they are forced to vote on. Often, Idaho Democrat legislators’ votes align with the Idaho Freedom Caucus.
It’s a paradox that reveals the Foundation’s true priorities: control and division over actual governance. When legislation backed by Idaho’s conservative majority gains traction, the IFF often aligns the votes they control with Democrats to help halt progress, simply to deny the opposition a win. It’s a strategy designed to make Idaho’s government look dysfunctional—an outcome they can then blame on “RINOs” and mainstream Republicans.
Even Ron Nate, who now leads the IFF’s political arm after losing his legislative seat to a moderate Republican, has leaned on this Democrat-assisted strategy. Nate, a former legislator with little support outside his narrow base, often voted with Paulette Jordan, the Cher-backed Democrat, to vote down bills and budgets to maintain his perfect Freedom Score.
When the far-right can’t win by popular support, they embrace an “if we can’t have it, no one can” mentality. Rather than advancing conservative policies, they’d prefer to watch Idaho’s political landscape burn, all while pointing fingers at everyone else for not being “true conservatives.”
Idaho voters should reconsider their support for a group that once stood for limited government, as envisioned by Ralph Smeed.
The Idaho Freedom Foundation, now marked by its hiring of known antisemites and racists and its alliances with individuals who shield child abusers, no longer looks out for the interests of Idahoans. Instead, it serves the self-interests of a dwindling base of radical donors. As their tactics of deception and division intensify, the IFF’s descent into anarchy threatens to deepen, spiraling toward a point of implosion that can only harm Idaho’s Republican values and principles.
About the Author
Gregory Graf is the creator of Political Potatoes and a lifelong conservative Republican whose articles often criticize the hypocrisy committed by far-right grifters who’ve taken control of the GOP. Graf is the CEO of Snake River Strategies, a communications and political consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho. Graf and his family moved to Idaho Falls in 2013 from Utah and currently reside in Star.
The following is intended to convey an opinion on newsworthy events of public concern regarding public figures and/or public officials in the exercise of their official duties. No implications or inferences—beyond those explicitly stated in the preceding— are intended to be conveyed or endorsed by the Author. Wherever available, hyperlinks have been provided to allow readers to directly access any underlying assertions of fact upon which this opinion is based.
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I'd be interested in some examples of Dems supporting the IFF. Seems antithetical. Also: Open primaries would go a long way toward attenuating the influence of the IFF and others of their ilk.
Only moderately interested in someone's announced political affiliation; very interested in electing reasonable public servants who want to get the people's business done with a minimum of hysteria. Multiple points of view converging on common ground is the desired result.