Looking over the list of reactionary bill proposals from our “freedom” loving legislature, I think that we should change our state motto from Esto Perpetua (Let it be Perpetual) to Restorsum Converti (Turning Backwards).

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After reading about the Bible Reading bill, I sent the following to Doug Pickett, chair of the Education Committee.

I read with a combination of interest, puzzlement, and concern about house bill 162 which has recently been referred to your committee, and can't help but wonder if the bill's sponsor has actually thought this through. Independent of any questions regarding church and state, I have several very serious concerns. Section 4 of this bill states that, over a 10 year period, the entire bible will be read to students.

I can't help but wonder if the bill's author has considered the graphic violence described Judges 19-21, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, and Joshua 6-11, along with the sexual content described in Genesis 19, 2 Samuel 11-12, and the entire Song of Solomon, and some of the laws defined in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, not to mention the images described in Revelations.

Not only is this content utterly inappropriate for primary school children, one can effectively argue that it would result in the bible being placed in an "adults only" section of any public library.

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Although H138 was advertised as "not eliminating Medicaid Expansion", it creates eleven (11) triggers that could collapse and shut down the program in Idaho. After three hours of testimony and questions, the bill was sent to the House floor. Yet, there were many questions that got to the heart of the matter: Idahoans absolutely need the Medicaid Expansion. Consider calling your Representatives and urge them to vote "NO" on the floor. And, if at all possible, listen in on the hearing...you'll learn a lot about the people who are meant to represent those of us in need.

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This is exactly why I left ID!

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