I think Walter Lippmann presaged our legislature (likely the US Congress, as well) when he said, "Where all think alike, no one thinks much."

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Well, that’s what you get when you install a bunch of idiots in the legislature who are only there to occupy seats for the IFF. In my district, we ran a stellar candidate with years of experience in the medical field. She wanted the job and campaigned tirelessly to prove it. She ran rings around her opponent in candidates forums. But being Idaho, guess who won?

Until we bring in serious minded, intelligent, independent candidates, we’ll be doomed to more of these time-wasting antics from petty, petulant toddlers.

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And yet the "petty, petulant toddlers" keep getting elected. And by a small percentage of eligible voters. When the democrats get as organized and focused about supporting their candidates as the opposition is, we might stand a chance. "Get out the vote" isn't just a slogan. It's a winning strategy.

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I don’t know if it’s about organizing as much as it’s about dark, outside money influence. If it’s a matter of sketchy or just this side of legal, the extremists beat even the moderate repubs in raising money. Corrupt as hell.

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I think the bigger problem is Musk having access to Americans financials, what could possibly go wrong Autocracy is here MAGA was duped into electing Trump, now that he’s got the power, the magas don’t matter anymore You had your chance folks Hopefully a 3rd impeachment is in the near future

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