Aug 14Liked by Gregory Graf

He's merely a lazy lawyer, sucking off the taxpayers of Idaho that obviously didn't give a rats fanny about any oath of office when he chose to run for Idaho Attorney General.He should never have been put in office if he wasn't up to the task. And it's very maddening.

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Aug 14Liked by Gregory Graf

Ah, the batshitcrazy IFF and their Idaho version of a narcissist trump

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Open primaries suck, and ranked choice voting sucks even more! Closed primaries prevent outside political parties from throwing the election the way they want it, and do NOT represent the will of the people in the party who's holding the election!

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And, yes, we DO want the Right to be in control of Idaho's politics! The Left destroys everything it touches!

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A primary is simply an opportunity for a party to choose its candidate who will fight the other parties’ candidates in the general election. Therefore, primaries should be closed to a single political party.

Ranked choice voting is a huge error for several reasons, but the primary one is the reallocation of a person‘s votes, even if according to their own preference, after the fact. If you can’t figure out the candidates well enough to make a single choice, and require a ranked set of choices because you can’t make the hard decisions on a single candidate’s policy choices as weighed against the other candidates’ policy choices, then you probably shouldn’t vote in the first place.

One man, one vote!

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I have contacted his office several times, only to be told it's "not his jurisdiction'". Then I found out that he spent 3 weeks up here investigating corruption. What he found must have frightened him tremendously because he left, and has been attempting to pass a law making county prosecutions not this jurisdiction. What we NEED is for him to get off his butt and DO HIS JOB!!!

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Is it a personal challange to you to see how many times you can squeeze the term "far right" in what you write? It sounds like someone from the left when referring to something slightly right of center. If "far right" simply means "right" then yes, we do want that controlling our government. The alternative is having the left in control and we can see how that's going where they're in control.

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