That's the kind of collaborative and forward-thinking to address an issue we need, but also that will get you nowhere in this state. There's no one being repressed or demeaned as part of this, so the IdGov would have no interest in it.

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My cynical mind thinks that if these lands were to be sold off, the laws requiring reinvestment would be scuttled, just like every other law or regulation meant to protect us.

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I don't think that's cynical. That's a very realistic stance given the current scenario of billionaires buying up or orchestrating large land swaps and cutting off access to public lands. It's happened here in Idaho, and is happening even more in other western states- take a look at some of the shenanigans going on in Montana.

Follow or support outdoor groups - I belong to Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, not because I'm and avid hunter or angler but because my activities on public lands aligns with theirs.

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Spot on, excellent analysis of the opportunity. ‘Hope it spurs some action.

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