Thank You to Idaho Legislators Who Stood Up for Freedom and Compassion
There are legislators in Idaho who still believe in doing the right thing.
When Rep. Heather Scott sponsors a bill or resolution, reasonable people across the state cringe, knowing that whatever it is, it’s likely rooted in ignorance. Unfortunately, too many Idaho legislators are unwilling to confront the barrage of “mean tweets” that result from voting against her culture war performance art masked as conservatism.
When legislators in Idaho confront the political hate machine, we must better communicate our appreciation for their courage in listening to their constituents and doing what they believe is right.
A principled legislator shows courage under fire.
House Joint Memorial 1 (HJM1), a joint resolution sponsored by Rep. Heather Scott, sought to virtue signal the agenda of removing rights affirmed by the Supreme Court and marginalizing those who don’t conform to a narrow ideological viewpoint.
The resolution was another performative stunt—a recurring tactic by Scott and her allies to pander to a base of self-described "conservatives," heavily influenced by out-of-state special interest groups. These groups fund divisive culture wars designed not to solve Idaho’s challenges but to enrich their dark money backers and create targeted voter databases through disinformation campaigns.

HJM1 represents more than bad policy; it intentionally hurts Idahoans who value compassion, fairness, and individual freedoms. It tells anyone outside the far-right bubble that they are unwelcome, unworthy, and under threat of political retribution. It’s unrighteous dominion codified through legislation.
Thankfully, there are leaders in the Idaho Legislature who refused to bow to these tactics. Republicans and Democrats joined together to reject this resolution, proving that principle and the well-being of Idahoans can transcend party lines. These legislators listened to their constituents, rejected the pressure of extremist rhetoric, and stood up to the Christian nationalist agenda behind this bill.
Legislators Who Voted NO on HJM1:
The following representatives showed courage and integrity by voting against HJM1:
Todd Achilles (D-Bosie)
Steve Berch (D-Boise)
Rick Cheatum (R-Pocatello)
Monica Church (D-Boise)
Megan Egbert (D-Boise)
Marco Erickson (R-Idaho Falls)
Ben Fuhriman (R-Shelly)
Soñia Galaviz (D-Boise)
John Gannon (D-Boise)
Dan Garner (R-Clifton)
Brooke Green (D-Boise)
Clay Handy (R-Burley)
Wendy Horman (R-Idaho Falls)
Dustin Manwaring (R-Pocatello)
Chris Mathias (D-Boise)
Lori McCann (R-Lewiston)
Stephanie Mickelsen (R-Idaho Falls)
Jack Nelsen (R-Jerome)
James Petzke (R-Meridian)
Britt Raybould (R-Rexburg)
Illana Rubel (D-Boise)
Mark Sauter (R-Sandpoint)
Jon Weber (R-Rexburg)
Josh Wheeler (R-Ammon)
These legislators stood up to far-right bullies who frequently use lies, manipulation, and fear tactics to enforce their agenda. They refused to let the legislature become a battleground for performative culture wars or a tool for suppressing the rights of their fellow citizens.
They deserve our thanks.
Predictably, the far-right response has been to hurl baseless accusations, calling the Republicans on this list "RINOs," "leftists," or some cringeworthy combination of four-letter words. This kind of rhetoric is not new; it’s straight out of their playbook of abusive tactics (aka confrontational politics) aimed at silencing those who expose the truth and challenge this language of elimination.
Integrity is an Idaho Value
By voting NO on HJM1, these representatives sent a message that Idaho is not for sale to out-of-state special interests or radical ideologues. They reminded us all that public service is about protecting and empowering every Idahoan, not just a select few who meet the criteria of far-right purity tests.
Integrity matters.
We commend these leaders for their bravery and encourage all Idahoans to thank them for their principled stand. At a time when divisiveness and fear often dominate the political landscape, their actions remind us that there are still voices in Idaho willing to prioritize people over politics.
Please consider sending each of these legislators a thank-you note or email to express your appreciation for listening to their constituents and demonstrating integrity. You can find the contact information for each of these legislators here.
About the Author
Gregory Graf is the creator of Political Potatoes and a lifelong conservative Republican. His articles often criticize the hypocrisy committed by far-right grifters who’ve taken control of the GOP. Graf is the CEO of Snake River Strategies, a communications and political consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho. He and his family moved to Idaho Falls from Utah in 2013 and reside in Star.
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In this attached list we have the real leaders, those who are fighting for freedom over fascism.
Thank you, Idaho was a great place until the far right moved in and Dorothy Moon found she could finally get some attention. She needs to go.