Fighting the Effects of Long COVID
Ask your doctor if Idaho's legislators are right for you, or better yet, do your own research.
If you thought the Idaho Legislature was done draining the pandemic piggy bank, think again. The far right seems to have developed a chronic case of "long COVID" — not the medical condition, but something more like a preventable STD. It’s a political affliction where the only perceived path to re-election involves clinging to pandemic-era outrage. As they channel their inner Ammon Bundy, these legislators fixate on viral misinformation and performative indignation while Idaho’s real challenges—education, infrastructure, taxes—must be addressed by the adults in the room.
At first glance, their agenda might seem laughable. Take Rep. Josh Tanner’s so-called Fauci Resolution. This bizarre legislative stunt seeks to hold Dr. Anthony Fauci accountable for alleged "crimes" against Idaho despite former President Biden’s preemptive pardon. The resolution has no legal ramifications and is not meant to achieve anything tangible. Its fundamental purpose is to provide a steady supply of misinformation to the chronically outraged so they can get their dopamine fix.
But hey, let’s prosecute Fauci for… what exactly?
Then there’s the endless obsession with mask mandates. Once again, lawmakers have resurrected a bill to ban them statewide, despite most Idahoans ignoring such mandates when they were briefly in place. This is performative legislation, drafting solutions desperately in search of a problem.
Ironically, these bills expand state government authority, waste taxpayer resources, and strip local jurisdictions of control—a direct contradiction to the conservative principles these legislators claim to hold dear. Limited government? Local decision-making? Not when there’s a chance to scratch that burning itch caused by a withdrawal of not getting enough social media likes.

And who could forget the mRNA vaccine debacle? Last year, Senator Tammy Nichols introduced a bill that sought to ban the administration of mRNA vaccines for all mammals—yes, all mammals. Forget scientific progress, cancer-curing possibilities, or food safety; the proposal was a surreal blend of ignorance and performative outrage. Then she wanted a food label to show if any product had “vaccine materials” to spread a conspiracy that the deep state was secretly vaccinating you through the lettuce in your Big Mac. Though these bills failed, they exemplified the dangerous trend of legislating based on pseudoscience and paranoia rather than facts and reason.
What’s particularly galling is the hypocrisy of the legislators supporting these bills. Many far-right freshman lawmakers are recent transplants from California who were drawn to Idaho by the promise of fewer COVID restrictions. Yet they now dedicate their time to relitigating pandemic grievances that most Idahoans have moved on from.
These antics are reminiscent of Sara Walton Brady’s infamous playground arrest stunt. Back then, she staged her defiance for the cameras, complete with dramatic tears, in a bid for attention. Today’s far-right legislators follow her script, though they could probably use a better acting coach.
Meanwhile, Idahoans are busy with real life. They’re working, raising families, and trying to make ends meet. They’ve moved on from the pandemic, yet these far-right representatives seem obsessed with pandering to their base that’s addicted to faux outrage. They don’t seem to understand freedom, private property rights, or the fundamental right of individuals to make their own medical decisions. People have the right to seek vaccines if they choose. Businesses have the right to set their own rules, including mask requirements, on their private property. If you don’t like those rules, you can shop elsewhere—that’s freedom.
The real side effect of this "long COVID" isn’t fatigue or brain fog; it’s the erosion of common sense. Legislators are wasting time and taxpayer money on useless bills that expand government overreach while ignoring Idaho’s pressing needs. It’s time to leave the pandemic theatrics behind and focus on making Idaho a better place for everyone. This isn’t just bad policy; it’s bad acting.
About the Author
Gregory Graf is the creator of Political Potatoes and a lifelong conservative Republican. His articles often criticize the hypocrisy committed by far-right grifters who’ve taken control of the GOP. Graf is the CEO of Snake River Strategies, a communications and political consulting firm based in Eagle, Idaho. He and his family moved to Idaho Falls from Utah in 2013 and reside in Star.
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Every time I see the words, “liberty” or “freedom” in some right wing organization’s name, it’s a red flag. It means that their goal is to abolish your rights, not promote them.
Saddest thing in all this insanity is the Idaho Democrats are unable to find a sane niche for themselves. They veer so far left as to be rolling down the median. Surely, among that 50% or so of uncommitted voters, there are many put off by the far-right antics of the "freedom "bunch, who would like an alternative.